Thursday, April 7, 2011

"I Know You Rider" from Steve

Steve used to sit right outside the bathroom, door ajar, and play his guitar for me while I showered. He'd strum, stomp his foot, and sing. I felt like Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, being sung to while bathing. And when I emerged, Steve always received a standing ovation. Which, he would explain, always kept him coming back to the same venue.

Steve would also take his acoustic guitar to play out on the back deck. I loved listening to the music drift in through the open windows as I washed dishes or finished the ironing. Stupid menial household chores made better on a lazy Sunday afternoon with his music. Just the other week my neighbor flagged me down and said how much she has wanted to come by to give her condolences. She felt awkward trying to approach me since she hadn't known until several months after he died. She decided she had to say something to me after the warm weather appeared. Evidently, she had come to recognize the arrival of spring each year when she heard him playing outside and would run to open her windows to hear the music more clearly.

It brought tears to my eyes when she told me this. To find out that others enjoyed those alfresco musical moments as much as I did. It would have given Steve great pleasure to know that someone rushed to open windows every time he stepped outside to play. An audience we never knew about.  

The song below was recorded by Steve's band, The Scrubbs. It's the only acoustic file I can find. I like this recording best out of all that I've found because, at home, he mostly played acoustically. It sounds more familiar to my ears. It sounds more like Steve to me. I'd like to share a bit of that here, with you. 

DISCLAIMER: I've been desperately trying to find a way to share the .wma (music) files that Steve recorded with his band. The best format I can find, without having to create yet another account somewhere, is to use my SkyDrive. (Thank you Microsoft!) It does mean, however, that when you click on the song it will download to your computer. So I ask you to be nice. Please don't upload it somewhere else, use it for your own purposes, or even be so bold as to say it's you playing. Because it's my husband, my Steve, playing that guitar. He's also one of several, singing.

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