
These are a few sites I have found to be useful resources. If you have lost a spouse, or know someone who has lost a spouse and want to help, I hope you find these to be useful as well. This is not going to be a complete list of what is available out there for widows, only the sites that I personally find relevant. I will be updating this list as I can.

American Diabetes Association  - Our mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affect by diabetes.

American Heart Association  - Our mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single purpose drives all we do. The need for our work is beyond question.

Life After Death  (blog) - Life after the sudden death of my best friend of 20 years, husband of 17 years, and father of our two daughters and two sons.

My Spouse Is Dead (blog)  - Grief Recovery Tools, suggestions, and tips for recovering from the death of your spouse.

The (forum) - Free online widow(er) support, as well as grief support for significant others and gay and lesbian widows.

Young (forum)- Our mission is to provide a forum for young widows and widowers to connect online. Through these connections, young widows and widowers find understanding and validation of their feelings so that they are able to recover their joy for life, reclaim their identities and rebuild their futures.

Widow Chick (blog) - Grief management through humor and coping using the power of positive thinking.

Widow's Voice (blog) - Seven widowed people, seven days of the week, seven different perspectives on the journey of widowhood. This blog is a group effort. Real people. Real struggles. Real stories. We look death in the face everyday, and we find a way to choose hope.

Washington Regional Transplant Community - Healing our communities through organ and tissue donation.